
Astrological Planetary Movements 2015 Dates

In astrology, it is the movement of planets that affect us. 9 astrological planets keep on revolving and moving one zodiac sign to another, impacting each one of us. Sometimes they move in retrograde motion, and sometimes they are direct. In some signs, they get combusted and in some, they rise. It is all about the calculations that astrology does to predict the future; but firstly, we need to know the dates of planetary movements, then only predictions can be made. So, let’s see the dates for each planet’s transit, retrograde motion change, then further change into direct, combustion in a sign, or rising in a sign below:

With the dates of these planetary changes, you can get an idea in advance about the mood of planets in 2015. Indeed, it will be a great help to know how the planet will be throughout the year, as we know that our fate is connected with their health. If they are happy, we are happy. If they are sad, we are sad. So, let’s bring our fate into control by knowing everything in advance. If you have even a little bit of astrological knowledge, you may utilize these dates for analyzing the effects of these transits over your present Dashas (planetary periods) in your Kundali.