Today Tithi: What Is Tithi Today?

Today tithi is the most important part of the Hindu Panchang. All the important events like fasts, festivals, birthdays, auspicious-inauspicious days, etc. are based on it. So, let's find out all the information related to today tithi-

Tithi for Delhi

Amavasya (Krishna Paksha)

Saturday, March 29, 2025

What is Today's Tithi?

Tithi Amavasya
Paksha Krishna
Nakshatra Uttarabhadra
Yoga Brahma
Karan Chatushpada
Week Day Saturday

The 'Panchang' holds special significance in Vedic astrology, which means, the one with five parts. Out of the five parts of the Panchang, Vaar (day), Tithi (date), Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana, the second part has been described as "Tithi".

Through this webpage, we will try to explain the astrological importance of various Tithis (dates), while providing you with accurate information. With this, you will be able to attain proper understanding of the auspicious-inauspicious Tithis according to the Hindu Panchang.

Month Calculation According To The Panchang

In Panchang, the Maas or month is calculated according to the Moon. This is because when we look up from the earth, the size of the Moon keeps increasing or decreasing every day. In this sequence, when the Moon is in its full form, that special day is called 'Purnima'. On the contrary, the day after the Purnima Tithi, the Moon starts to decrease in size and the day when it's not fully visible is called 'Amavasya'. On Amavasya, the Moon is not visible from the earth and then it gradually takes its full form again in 14-15 days. This process goes on like this and is called the Moon cycle and this cycle is divided into two parts in Panchang, which is known as 'Paksha'.

In the first part, the Moon reduces its size after Purnima, till Amavasya, known as Krishna Paksha. And in the second part, the Moon's shape increases continuously, and this period from Amavasya to Purnima is known as Shukla Paksha. Every Paksha is of 14-15 days, which in common language is also called Pakhwada in many regions. One moon cycle is completed after every Paksha (Krishna+Shukla), which is usually of 30 days, and every moon cycle is known as Chandramaas or the Moon month.

What Is Tithi?

Every Moon month is of almost 30 days, and in the Panchang, this time or the 30th part of the month is called Tithi. So if we calculate then each Tithi is of one day. The total number of a Hindu tithi or date in the Panchang is 16, with Amavasya and Purnima occurring only once. But the other Tithis occur twice. So, there are 30 Tithis in every Moon month, in which the first 15 Tithis comes under the first part, i.e. the Shukla Paksha, while the next 15 Tithis comes under the second part, i.e. the Shukla Paksha.

Importance Of Today Tithi

With the help of today Tithi, a person can commence any new activity without hesitation. This provides a person with auspicious dates that helps them fulfill all the new work with positivity. Likewise, the inauspicious Tithi helps a person stay alert. The name of various Tithis as per the Panchang and their significance is as follows:

However, apart from this, each date is again divided into 5 elements, considering their auspiciousness and inauspiciousness. These are as follows:-

  1. Nanda
  2. Bhadra
  3. Rikta
  4. Jaya
  5. Purna

Through our webpage, you can find out today Tithi and the auspicious timings according to your city, and move ahead towards completing your tasks successfully.