
Commodity Market 2014 Astrology - Commodity Trading 2014 Astrology

Commodity market 2014 predictions are here to assist you with the predictions regarding the hike and downfall in the commodity prices. Will these precious commodities make your life easy or will they be a burden? Find out with our Commodity market 2014 predictions.

Commodity Market 2014 Astrology Predictions

Let’s get started with the commodity predictions now:

Gold & Silver Commodity Market 2014 Predictions

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for January

As per commodity market predictions for 2014, the month of January will begin with a dip in the commodity market. During this period, there will not be any growth in the commodity market and the situation will worsen from 8th January. Deflation will mostly be in silver market. However, things will start to rise up by the end of the month, which is a good time to invest in the Commodity Market.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for February

Commodity market will experience a rise from 2nd February. This rise would be bidirectional. Prices of silver and gold will witness a rise from February 6th, as per 2014 predictions for commodity market. This is a good time for commodity market and this favorable situation will last till the month end.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for March

Starting of the month i.e. on March 1, gold market will witness one sided rise. However, the silver market will not be going through the same, says commodity market predictions for 2014. While the silver market will continue to fall, gold will hold its place high. This situation of commodity market will last till the end of the month.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for April

As per 2014 commodity market predictions, with the bidirectional speed continuing, gold will witness a rise while silver will fall in the month of April.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for May

The month of May will start off with the bidirectional rise in commodity market. Silver will start to fall from May 8th, which will continue to drop further from May 19th. As per the 2014 commodity market predictions, same result is predicted for the entire commodity market.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for June

Commodity market 2014 predictions say there will be a bidirectional growth with fluctuations. However, silver will witness an improvement as compared to the previous months, from June 11.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for July

From 9th July, commodity market will witness a rise in gold, says commodity market 2014 predictions. From July 15th, gold market will witness one sided rise and similar results will be seen in silver as well.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for August

Commodity market predictions for 2014 foretells a good jump in the silver market from August 7th and will continue to rise till 25th of August, 2014. But, after 25th August, silver will witness a downfall; whereas, gold will continue to remain on its high place.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for September

Silver will face further downfall from September, says commodity market 2014 predictions. However, gold will see a slight speed in its bidirectional growth.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for October

As per commodity market 2014 predictions, commodity market will speed up from October 4th. But, the state won’t last for long as deflation will hit from 19th October. Although this month does not seem favorable for the commodity market and gold market will remain strong from 17th October.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for November

Starting of the month will bring downfall in commodity market, which will continue till November 16th. However, things will start looking better from 17th November. Gold market will see a rise from 28th November.

Gold & Silver Commodity Prices 2014 for December

Silver market will witness a decline from 2nd December. Although, the whole commodity market will witness one sided speed from 8th December. Fluctuations are seen in gold and silver market.

Oil & Seed Commodity Market 2014 Predictions

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for January

The month of January will start with a bidirectional situation of inflation and deflation in the oilseed market, says commodity market 2014 predictions. Although from January 6th, commodity market may witness a downfall. This situation will continue till 14th January with bidirectional growth. However, from 15th January, oilseed market will see an improvement in the situation.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for February

Commodity market 2014 predictions say oilseed market will witness deflation from 6th February, 2014. However, from 15th February, oilseed market will see an improvement. Further, from 19th February, oilseed market will witness bidirectional fluctuations leading to downfall.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for March - April

From March 1st, oilseed market will witness one sided rise which will prove to be very fruitful as per commodity market 2014 predictions. The situation will see a phenomenal improvement in commodity market from 25th March.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for May

Commodity Market will witness a drop in the month of May. However, till 26th May there will be one sided increase in the commodity market, predicts commodity market 2014 predictions. This will continue with bidirectional fluctuations.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for June

Commodity market will face a downfall after experiencing bidirectional ups and downs till June 7th. This situation of commodity market will continue till June end.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for July

Commodity market 2014 predictions predict a deflation in the market in the beginning of July 2014. However, commodity market will once again see a rise from 6th July. Till 20th July, one sided inflation will continue after which there will be bidirectional growth. There will be a decline in the oilseed market from 30th July.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for August

From August 7th oilseed market will witness a one sided speed as per commodity market 2014 predictions. Commodity market will witness fluctuations along with inflation till the month end.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for September

September will start off with inflation in the commodity market. From September 5th, oilseed market will hold a strong position. However, as per commodity market 2014 predictions, there is a possibility of bidirectional fluctuations from 21st September.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for October

From October 4th, oilseed market will witness a rapid downfall along with its share of ups and downs. However, as per commodity market 2014 predictions there is a rise in oilseed market from October 17th.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for November

Oilseed market will witness a rise in the beginning of November, says commodity market 2014 predictions. Commodity market will witness one side inflation from November 3rd, which will further increase from 13th November. Oilseed market will witness a rise from November 28th.

Oil & Seed Commodity Trading 2014 for December

From December 8th, commodity market will witness a downfall due to bidirectional fluctuation. However, there are no signs of deflation in December, as per commodity market 2014 predictions.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 Astrology

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for January

The beginning of January will witness a rise in the sugar and jaggery market, says the commodity market predictions for 2014. This inflation will continue till January 12th along with fluctuations. But from January 13th, sugar and jaggery market will witness downfall.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for February

Sugar and jaggery market will witness a rise from February 6th, as per commodity market 2014 predictions. This success in commodity market will continue till 21st February, 2014. However, there will be one sided downfall after this period.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for March

As per commodity market 2014 predictions, from 4th March onwards commodity market will witness inflation, which will continue till the end of month.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for April

There will be some ups and downs in the beginning of the month, as per commodity market 2014 predictions. Further, the commodity market will face inflation from April 12. From 20th April, commodity market will witness downfall along with fluctuations. From April 26th, sugar and jaggery market will pick up speed.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for May

From May 8th, commodity market will witness some rise. Further, as per commodity market 2014 predictions, commodity market will witness fluctuations from 22nd May.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for June

According to 2014 commodity market predictions, commodity market will go through inflation from 7th June. This inflation will continue to increase from June 11. Further, fluctuations along with rise will be seen in the commodity market from 26th June.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for July

From July 6th, the commodity market will face deflations with fluctuations, as per commodity market predictions 2014. Further, sugar and jaggery market will see a rise along with ups and downs from 20th July, 2014. Also, as per commodity market predictions 2014, commodity market will go on one sided from July 27th.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for August

Commodity market predictions for 2014 says sugar and jaggery market will witness speed from August 7th. Further, from 17th August commodity market will see a one sided growth, says commodity market predictions 2014.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for September

As per 2014 commodity market predictions, the inflations situation from the previous month will continue till 17th September. After this, there will be bidirectional growth in the commodity market, says 2014 commodity market predictions.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for October

From October 4th, commodity market will witness a boom. As per commodity market predictions for 2014, commodity market will see some improvement from October 10th.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for November

The commodity market will face bidirectional fluctuations from 6th November, says 2014 commodity market predictions. However, from 22nd November there will be some ups and downs in the commodity market.

Sugar & Jaggery Commodity Market 2014 for December

From December 8th, there will be a rise and this situation will prevail till the end of the month, says 2014 predictions for commodity market.

Cotton Commodity Market 2014 Prediction

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for January

As per commodity market predictions for 2014, there will be a downfall in the commodity market in the beginning of June. This downfall in the commodity market will last till January end.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for February

From 4th February, the predictions for commodity market says there will be some rise in the commodity market. This rise will continue its way up till February 14th. Further, from 19th February, the commodity market will hit downfall. However, commodity market will improve from 21st February, says commodity market predictions 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for March

From March, cotton market will see a one sided growth. Further, from 24th March, this situation will continue, says commodity market predictions 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for April

From 12th April, commodity market predictions for 2014 see an uprise in the commodity market. But, there will be downfall along with ups and downs from April 20th, 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for May

As per commodity market predictions for 2014, there will be fluctuations in the month of May. There will be some improvement from May 8th in the cotton market. Further, commodity market will go higher up from 15th May.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for June

As per commodity market predictions 2014, from June 1st there will be a fall in the commodity market. This situation will get worse from June 20th. However, there will be a rise from 28th June.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for July

As per commodity market predictions 2014, till July 12th the market will suffer from fluctuations. From 24th July there will be drastic improvements in the commodity market, but with some ups and downs. This situation will persist till the end of the month, says predictions for commodity market 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for August

From August 9th, cotton market will go stronger with ups and downs bidirectionally. There will be further more improvement in commodity market from 18th August, as per commodity market predictions 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for September

As per commodity market predictions for 2014, commodity market will fall from 3rd September. However, cotton market will go stronger from 9th September. There will be one sided downfall from September 17th in the commodity market.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for October

Commodity market will go weak in the beginning of the month, says 2014 commodity market predictions. There will be bidirectional growth along with fluctuations from 22nd October. Further, there will be immense rise in the commodity market from October 31, predicts predictions for commodity market in 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for November

Last month’s rise will continue in the commodity market till November 4, as per commodity market predictions 2014.

Cotton Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for December

There will be one sided rise in commodity market till December 6th. Further, there will be a fall in commodity market on 7th December as per commodity market predictions 2014.

Jute Commodity Market 2014 Astrology

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for January

In the first half of January, the jute market will go low. The market will catch up speed with fluctuations from 20th of January. The Jute commodity market will go down with fluctuations from 27th of January, says commodity market predictions 2014.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for February

Commodity market position of last month will go on till the next month. The Jute commodity market will catch up speed from 9th of February. As per 2014 commodity market predictions, commodity market will undergo one-sided inclinations with hike till 13th of February. This position will stretch out till the end of February.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for March

Till 14th of March, the Jute commodity market will witness one-sided hike. From 13th of March the commodity market will undergo fluctuations, foretells commodity market predictions for 2014. The commodity market will go high from 25th of March.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for April

From 16th of April, the commodity market will undergo hike. This improvement in the commodity market position will go on till the month of May, as per 2014 commodity market predictions.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for May

The jute commodity market will witness a boom till 14th of May. On 23rd of May, the commodity market will go low, foretells commodity market 2014 predictions.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for June

Downfall in commodity market will got over from 18th of June. The commodity market will rise up from 28th of June. According to the commodity market predictions for 2014, commodity market will witness boom during this time.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for July

The commodity market will witness considerable hike with one-sided inclination from 18th of July.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for August

The jute commodity market will witness deflation with bidirectional fluctuations from 7th of August. This decline will continue till 18th of August. As per 2014 commodity market predictions, the commodity market will do good till the end of this month.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for September

The jute market will do well till 17th of September. As per commodity market 2014 predictions, the month of September will prove out to be really beneficial for the investors.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for October

The jute commodity market will go high from 18th of October. This position of commodity market will go on till the next month, predicts 2014 commodity market predictions.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for November

2014 commodity market predictions foresees boom along with bidirectional fluctuations in the jute market from 16th of November. On the other hand, during the period of 17th to 27th of November, the Commodity Market will go low.

Jute Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for December

The jute commodity market will witness decline till 8th of December. Commodity market will experience fluctuations with a decline after 8th of December.

Gram, Peas, Lentils & Other Pulses Commodity Market Predictions for 2014

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for January

In the first phase of January, the pulses commodity market will witness decline as per 2014 commodity market predictions. Mainly, there will be a decline in gram and lentils. From 15th of January, the commodity market will rise high. Gram and lentils will also go high.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for February

According to the commodity market 2014 predictions, the entire commodity market will decline from 13th of February. Particularly, this decline will be witnessed more in grams and lentils.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for March

There will bidirectional increase in the commodity market from 1st of March. In accordance with commodity market predictions for 2014, the rates of pulses commodity market will get stable from 15th of March. The grams and lentils will go high with bidirectional inclination.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for April

The commodity market will undergo bidirectional fluctuations from 1st of April. Commodity market 2014 predictions say that this change will go on till the end of April.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for May

In the first half of May, the commodity market will undergo fluctuations. But, the market will decline from 15th of May. Mainly, the decline will be noticed in grams, peas and lentils as per commodity market predictions for 2014.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for June

In the first half of June, the commodity market will undergo bidirectional fluctuations along with a decline. Mainly, the downfall will be noticed in lentils, grams and peas from 15th of June. Commodity market 2014 predictions foresee this downfall till the end of June.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for July

In the first half of July, the commodity market will witness hike with the bidirectional fluctuations. As per commodity market predictions for 2014, the entire commodity market will undergo one sided inclination with a rise from 28th of July.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for August

The commodity market will go extremely high from 16th of August. According to 2014 predictions for commodity market, the hike will be noticed in lentils and grams. Commodity market will suddenly decline from 28th of August.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for September

Commodity market predictions for 2014 foretells that there will be a decline in the commodity market from 16th of September. This downfall will go on till the end of September. The commodity market will go through bidirectional inclination in combination with stability from 27th of September.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for October

The commodity market will undergo bidirectional fluctuations from 1st of October. As per commodity market 2014 predictions, commodity market will rise from 17th of October. The commodity market will undergo boom from 26th of October.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for November

In the first half of November, the commodity market will undergo hike. The commodity market will witness fluctuations with an increase from 16th of November, says commodity market 2014 predictions. The commodity market might also undergo bidirectional fluctuations.

Pulses Commodity Prices 2014 Predictions for December

The commodity market will go high from 15th of December, 2014. This market position will continue till the end of December with bidirectional inclination, predicts 2014 commodity market predictions.

We hope that with these commodity market predictions for the year 2014, you will invest your money in the best way, at the best time. Make sure you don’t miss out any detail of our predictions for the commodity market. So, think wisely, plan smartly and act accordingly.
