Some effects will be witnessed on all 12 zodiac signs with Moon transit in 2015. Read on to know about Moon & Moon transit in 2015.
Moon or chandra in Hindu mythology
is regarded and worshiped as God. Moon is the natural satellite of the planet earth.
Moon is one of the coldest natural satellite. A lot of astronomers across the globe
have gone and found new facts about Moon. Moon transit in 2015 will result in some
positive and negative effects.
Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer. If Moon is exalted, it gives good results. But when it is debilitated, it gives resilient results.
The transit of Moon is not considered very important, as it is only for a very short duration. But, this transit is given a lot of importance if some auspicious event is in the pipeline. Moon moves from one zodiac sign to another in the time period of 2.25 days approx. Hence, it is not very important to consider them. However, if you really need to know the Moon’s transit dates for 2015, may visit and find the transit details through ‘Today’s Transit’ service. Transit of Moon is of not much importance, as it doesn't put much effect on the native.
In India, a lot of importance is given to Moon or Chandra. Fasts are observed in the name of Moon. Some of them are Karva Chauth, Purnima, and Amavasya. On the other hand, eclipse of Moon that is Chandra Grahan holds a significant role in the life of every human being on the planet earth, as Chandra Grahan holds a lot of effects on one’s life and birth.
Though Moon is amongst the coldest natural satellite, but it brings a lot of heating effect with it.
There's nothing to worry about this transit of Moon in 2015. Just be a bit careful & live your life stress free.