2020 will bring unexpected expenditures, which will put a strain on your pocket.
You will be required to adopt a frugal bent of mind. You might get lazy during this
year because of the transit of the planet Saturn in your seventh house. You will
find it difficult to come to a decision and there will be delays in your work. You
might find it difficult to decide what to do and at times, you will feel lost. If
you have been stuck somewhere and want to get out of it, you will be able to do
so. You will feel relaxed and will do something for your own betterment. You will
develop a sort of liking for yourself which will help you enhance your self-confidence
and self-esteem. During the month of May, Jupiter and Saturn will start moving in
retrograde motion. During this time, you should avoid beginning anything new.
There may be some problems in your married life, due to which a rift may be created in your marriage. Your spouse may feel neglected due to your involvement in work. You should take out some time to spend with them. Do not let your professional life overshadow your love life. Some pending tasks that have been due for long may be brought to fruition. There are sudden chances of wealth gain. If you have been in debt, you will be able to pay your loans and take that huge burden off your chest. Spending money wisely will help you in the long run. If you want to lay the foundation of a new venture, you should try to do it after the month of September as the time prior to September does not seem to be favouring it. Caution must be practised during the months of August, September, and October, otherwise, you may face problems in your financial as well as your professional life. Going abroad and earning a fine share of money is predicted. Avoid lending money and practise caution as being a part of conspiracies will tarnish your image and lead to a downfall in your performance. The time looks favourable for those who want to pursue higher education. Students may get awarded for their performance and garner fame and respect for the same. They will be, however, required to work hard to achieve the desired results.
Cancerians will be required to spend their money wisely if they do not want to run into a financial crunch. Be sure if the things that you are investing your money in are worth it. Avoid lending money to others because you might have a hard time in getting it back. Trust yourself and do not rely upon others. Avoid spending money unnecessarily, otherwise, you will have to repent it later. The month of March will be a good time to invest in the share market. You can also consider making an investment in the month of May. Returns from previous investments might also be received during the month of May. You may go on a foreign trip and buy antique items that may deplete your bank account. You may buy a piece of land and sell it again to gain profit. Due to the transit of Rahu in the month of September, your income may increase.
Your wealth may receive an add-on from commission you will earn or interest that you will get from money invested. Due to the transit of Ketu, your children are likely to become the reason of your worries. Their health may degrade or problems in their life will arise. You may invest in land and property during this year if you want to achieve multifold benefits. You may own the vehicle that you have always dreamt of. Your mother's health might decline and as a result, you may have to spend money on her treatment. You will receive financial help from your father and with his advice and support, your financial status will improve. You will spend on the renovation of your house and decorating it. You may get involved in religious and spiritual deeds and may spend money for the same.
According to Cancer 2020 your health will undergo several changes. You may feel stressed during the beginning of the year. This will divert your attention from things that you need to do. An undetected health issue may trouble you because of the transit of Ketu. There are chances that you might face a health problem related to nerves or muscles. This will cause pain in your body and you may not feel like getting up from your bed. Medical attention taken in time can help, still the month of May brings you a warning sign. Stay alert. Avoid visiting heights and if you need to, pay attention. Loss of blood or blood related disorders are likely.You may get injured if you do not take care of yourself. The year will get better for you as the month of September starts. You will undertake a number of journeys during this year. Hydrate yourself well and take a nutritious diet if you do not want to succumb to fatigue.
You will emerge victorious in the field of your career as the year 2020 kicks in. You will be packed with energy and will do your work with all your heart. As a result, you will be able to accomplish your tasks on time. You will deliver quality work that will be appreciated by your seniors at your workplace. Your co-workers and juniors will look up to you as an example. The months of February and March will be favourable for commencing new tasks. Business partnerships will yield good results. You will develop foreign connections that will help you in the long run. You should avoid switching your job or getting transferred to a new place. The retrograde motion of Jupiter and Saturn is not a good period to experiment with your career. If you have already been in a business partnership, there are chances of frequent clashes between you and your partner during the mid-phase of the year. However, things will eventually get better by the month of September.
Working professional will have a good time during this year. You may bag a promotion or a hike in salary if you work hard. You may decide to join the previous company you were working in if you have changed your job in 2019. At times, you will be disappointed with the results. You will feel that you have worked better than others and must, therefore, get rewarded for your exceptional performance. Do not follow someone’s advice in changing your job. You will enjoy popularity and feel happy during the month of September. You will find yourself being the centre of attention at your workplace. Your hard work will be appreciated. You will do your best in whatever you do and as a result, you will achieve your goals. Success is likely, but after a delay. However, you must not allow to get it to your head. Your hard work will be appreciated by your boss and this will make you proud.
Cancer Horoscope 2020 will be important for your education. The year will provide many opportunities for you to grow. It will depend upon you how you take advantage of the chances that knock on your door. You may have a hard time concentrating on your studies because of health issues. Thus, it will be important for you to take care of your health if you do not want it to become a hindrance in your studies. Do not miss any opportunity you may have to repent it later. You should stay away from getting involved in any controversial matter at your school or coaching. There are chances of feud in your peer group. You should not take anyone's side in such a situation. The transit of Mars in your eighth house from your Zodiac Sign may create hurdles in your studies. You may think about changing your stream. A few students will develop an interest in research while science may pique the interest of others. There will be times when you will find studies more interesting than wasting your time.
You may have to spend a large amount of money for getting a good education. You will enjoy doing group studies with your friends. However, you are recommended to avoid gossiping while studying in a group. You may get enrolled in a good institute if you want to pursue higher education. You should concentrate on your studies as it will be an important aspect that will help you shape your life. You may develop an interest in religion and spirituality. As a result, you may indulge in studying spiritual sciences and associated subjects. Due to the transit of Ketu in the month of September, you may have a hard time concentrating on your studies. However, this phase will get over as soon as you become strong willed and work hard towards fulfilling your goal. Working hard during the last few months of the year will yield exceptionally good results for your studies.
Your family life seems good this year. However, when the year begins, you will be living in a shade of grey. Sadness is neither good for your health, nor does it look good on your face. Your in-laws will try hard to make you smile, appreciate their efforts and be happy for the people in your life who love you truly. Spend time with them and if possible, go on a trip together. A long-distance journey will give you time to understand each other well and will refresh your mood. After March, happiness may seem to return around. You will, however, remain dissatisfied for no good reason. Sometimes, we are just not happy from within, but if there’s something disturbing you, discuss it with your family members as unexplained sadness can take the form of depression. Since your finances will be fine, you may try to buy any luxury for your family. They will be happy about it and by the year ends, the birth of a child in your family may also take away your gloom.
Cancerians will have a good start in their married life in the year 2020. You should try to spend more and more time with your partner. Your involvement in work will not leave you with any time for yourself. At times like this, your spouse may feel neglected. Do not disappoint them. As a responsible partner, you should make them feel special. Also, conveying your feelings and pouring your heart to them will bring you closer to each other. Your spouse will be by your side and you will admire them for their loyalty and efforts towards you. Due to the retrograde motion of Jupiter and Saturn, you may have some arguments with your spouse that you must avoid. It will be better to avoid discussing such topics that may trigger clashes. A cold war will prevail but it will eventually fade away because of the love that the two of you share.
You may get worried because of your children. Due to problems at your home, their studies may be affected. Your children will be the apple of your eye. You should try to provide them with an environment that is conducive for their growth and development. Your children may become the source of some good news for you. They will work hard to make you proud. Take care of their health.
You may fall in love with someone during the beginning of the year. You should make sure to reveal your feelings to your loved one. Propose your loved one before it is too late. Pondering too much may let the chance slip off your fingers. The month of April and May might pan out to be unfavorable for you. Thus, you should behave in a proper manner with your partner. If you do not control your temper during this period, you may end up creating a huge gap between you and your partner, which may lead to the separation of you two.
You will have high expectations from your partner. When not fulfilled, they will act as misunderstandings and cause fights between you and your partner. There are high chances of your ex- love partner coming back to your life. You might get married by the end of the year.
Donate a Chaya Patra on Saturdays. Worship Lord Shani.
We hope that the year 2020 brings you happiness and prosperity. Best wishes from MyKundali!