
Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024

In this article, we are focusing on Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024 and its impact on the twelve zodiac signs. The Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024 indicates the fate of Scorpio natives in different aspects of life with respect to career, business, relationship, finance, health, and so on. As per Vedic Astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign of the natural zodiac and it belongs to the water element. Scorpio is ruled by the warrior planet Mars which also denotes command, brilliance, and administration. This year 2024 happens to confer moderate results with respect to career, money, relationship, etc before May 2024 as the transit of Jupiter will be placed in the sixth house. From May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house as the second and fifth house lord. 

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Saturn will be placed in the fourth house for the year 2024 and this denotes the phase of Dhayya Saturn. The nodal planets- Rahu will not be favorable and will be occupying the fifth house and Ketu will be occupying the eleventh house. The presence of Ketu in the eleventh house indicates gains by spiritual means that you will be getting. The first half of the year till April 2024 may not be so smooth as Jupiter will be occupying the sixth house and from May 2024,- Jupiter will be occupying the seventh house and will give you smooth results. There may be a lot of comforts that you can gain from May 2024 due to the favorable transit of Jupiter in the seventh house. But the movement of Saturn in the fourth house may give you some fewer moments in your family. Due to the transit of Jupiter in the seventh house this year after May 2024, there may be more benefits available for you in the form of high money gains, savings, etc. If you are in business, then it may be a good time for you to reap benefits and enhance your profits. Jupiter’s placement in the seventh house after April 2024 will give you good results in your relationship with your life partner, earning new friends and associates, etc.

Also read: Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2025

By engaging in worship, and spiritual matters, you may be able to reach the top and achieve high results with Jupiter occupying the seventh house from May 1, 2024, in Taurus. So by getting into the mode of an active spiritual path -You may be able to gain very good results for this year 2024 as Jupiter will be present in the seventh house. Jupiter’s presence in the seventh house from May 1, 2024, may be highly beneficial for you to gain new relationships, get success in Love matters, Marriage will happen if you are not married, etc. If you wish to start a new business, then you can do so after May 2024 and you will be in a position to gain high profits, entering into multiple businesses. During the periods from 29 June 2024 to 15 November 2024- Saturn gets retrograde and due to this, good results may get reduced for these natives with respect to career, money, business, etc during the above period. 

All these results happening are general in nature and more apt results may be possible for you as per the individual horoscope.

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Career

Saturn the planet for a career will be occupying the fourth house, and since Saturn is the third and fourth house lord, and may lessen your comforts due to more work pressure. There may be changes in career for you and some may change the job for better prospects and some of you may relocate to different places with respect to your job. All these things may be possible for you. 

Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024 unravels that since Jupiter will not be giving favorable results till April 2024 as it will be placed in the sixth house you may need to be more focused on your work. From May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house and will give you smooth results in your job, a peaceful work atmosphere, etc. You may be able to win the confidence and recognition from your superiors in the form of promotion and with this, success will be easily possible for you with respect to your career. 

Regarding the nodal planets -Rahu and Ketu, Rahu will be placed in the fifth house, and Ketu will be placed in the eleventh house. You will be gaining more divine benefits as Jupiter in Taurus will be aspecting the eleventh house and Ketu. Due to the benefic aspect of Jupiter, you may be in a position to gain well in your career, gain more rewards, etc. New job openings and onsite job openings may be possible for you after May 2024.

If you are into business also and if you are about to venture into more than one business, then it may be a smooth ride for you in business after May 2024. You may be going abroad due to the movement of Rahu in the fifth house. If you are into business, then you need to be careful till April 2024. Any new business venture that you wish to start- you may do so after April 2024 and may not be profitable as Jupiter will be in the sixth house. Also, you may need to refrain from pursuing major decisions with respect to your career till April 2024. You may need to be more focused on work due to the retrograde movement of Saturn during the period from 29 June 2024 to 15 November 2024. 

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Financial Life

The first half of the year till April 2024 may not be fine for your money progress as Jupiter will be placed in the sixth house and this placement of Jupiter will be giving you more expenses rather than monetary gains. The scope for savings may become limited till April 2024. For meeting your financial commitments, you may apply for loans to meet your commitments and requirements.

Major decisions concerning money, you may need to avoid taking the same till April 2024. From May 2024, Jupiter will be occupying the seventh house with respect to the moon sign and maybe favoring you for gaining more money during this year and you may be in a position to earn more money, save more money and retain the same. In short, the accumulation of money and retaining the same may be possible after May 2024. You can also go on pursuing major decisions pertaining to finances this year after May 2024 and can go ahead. 

Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024 reveals that this year the nodal planets, Rahu will be in the fifth house and Ketu will be in the eleventh house and will be conferring good results spiritually as Ketu will be in the eleventh house of desires this year. Ketu present in the eleventh house may make you gain more wisdom, and awareness and thereby pursue suitable decisions with respect to maintaining stability regarding finances. Saturn present in the fourth house for you indicates Dhayya of Saturn and may entrust you with more commitments in the family. You may be forced to spend more money for your family and due to this you may be opting for loans and thereby your requirements with respect to finances will be increasing. 

Saturn in the fourth house may make you settle into family life and if you are not married-then you may get married. There may be a change of place for you or a shift of residence for you and due to this, you may need to spend more money for the same. You may be saving more money by selling the old property that you may be having or you may be investing money by buying new assets like cars etc during this year. This year 2024 may be good for pursuing major financial decisions after May 2024 and by doing so, you may be able to enhance your future for greater financial stability. Overall this year 2024 may be giving you mixed results with respect to finances in the form of both gains and expenses as Saturn is placed in the fourth house. 

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Education

Education prospects for you may not be that promising as Jupiter will be placed in the sixth house with respect to the moon sign before April 2024. Saturn will be in the fourth house for the year 2024. From May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house and will be conferring you with good results in studies. Jupiter’s placement in the seventh house from May 2024 may give you good chances for higher studies.

Saturn's placement in the fourth house for the year 2024 may make you witness moderate progress in your studies, says Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024. There may be some lethargicness in studies for you during this year 2024. The fourth house is for studies. The planet for studies-Mercury occupies a favorable position from January 7, 2024, to April 8, 2024, and during the above period, you may be in a position to take good advancements in studies and excel further. But this year may not be favorable for you with respect to higher professional studies. Jupiter’s presence in the seventh house for the year 2024 and the presence of Ketu in the eleventh house may give you more good results with respect to spiritual progress and such spiritual progress may guide you to see more success in education for the year 2024.

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Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Family Life

Family Life predictions reveals that the family life of Scorpio natives may not be highly encouraging before May 2024 as Jupiter will be placed in the sixth house with respect to the moon sign. The other planet Saturn will be placed in the fourth house and due to this there may be disturbances in the family and issues related to property. There may not be good relationships among family members due to the presence of malefic Rahu in the fifth house, and Saturn in the fourth house. Unwanted issues may be arising in the family and due to this happiness may get disturbed for you, says Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024.

You may need to pursue more adjustment in the family to ensure harmony and all these things need to be done by you. From May 2024, the transit of Jupiter in the seventh house may be auspicious for you to begin with more happiness in the family and maintain satisfaction with family members. Saturn’s placement in the fourth house may entrust you with more commitments in the family. You will be in a position to enjoy all the good things in the family after May 2024. Due to the unfavorable position of Jupiter in the sixth house, you may be losing happiness in family life before May 2024. 

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Love & Marriage

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 denotes that love and marriage may not be so fine before May 2024 as the auspicious planet Jupiter will be placed in the sixth house, Saturn will be placed in the fourth house during the year 2024 and may cause more obstacles for you with respect to Love and marriage. From May 2024, Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house and will be favoring you more for Love and Marriage. There may be auspicious occasions also for you during this year and you may be in a position to enjoy such moments. 

If you are in love then you may be able to meet with favorable results after May 2024 and love will give good results. If you are on the verge of getting married, then you may find it a high time for Love and Marriage after May 2024. Happiness may be possible for you after May 2024 as the auspicious planet Jupiter will be occupying a favorable position. More understanding may be possible for you with your life partner after May 2024. Venus the planet for Love and Marriage may be favoring you for Love and Marriage during the periods from June 12, 2024, to August 24, 2024

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024 for Health

You may be in fine health after May 2024 as Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house with respect to the moon sign and will be aspecting the moon sign due to this, you may have good confidence with a high level of energy. Jupiter will be placed in the seventh house with respect to the moon sign and this will boost your energy and immunity levels to keep your health in good condition.

Scorpio yearly horoscope 2024 reveals that the nodal planets Rahu will be placed in the fifth house and Ketu will be placed in the eleventh house. Kethu’s presence in the eleventh house is a blessing for your good health. But since Saturn is placed in the fourth house for the year 2024, you may need to spend money on the health of family members. You may also be having pain in your legs, thighs, etc during this year. Then pursuing meditation/yoga may be fine for you to keep yourself calm and overcome stress problems.

Marriage Matching: Kundali Matching For Marriage

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2024: Remedies

  1. Reciting Durga Chalisa daily.
  2. Perform Yagya-havan for Saturn on Saturdays.
  3. Perform Yagya-havan for Jupiter on Thursdays.
  4. Chant “Om Gurave Namaha '' daily 21 times.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is 2024 lucky for Virgo?

The second half of 2024 may bring luck for the Virgo natives.

What is Virgo 2024 yearly prediction?

The first half of the year might not be favorable, but the time after May 2024 might bring favorable results.

What is the money horoscope for Virgo in 2024?

Jupiter occupying the ninth house of Virgo in the second half of 2024 indicated favorable time in terms of finances.

Is Virgo lucky or unlucky?

Virgo natives are said to be innovative and independent. They make their own luck.

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