Virgo horoscope for 2015 is now available at My Kundali. If you belongs to Virgo , go through the horoscope of every month. Be prepared and stay alert of all the upcoming events, with Virgo 2015 horoscopes. Read on to know what ‘Pt. Deepak Dubey’ tells for Virgo on basis of Virgo astrology 2015.
Note: These astrology 2015 predictions has been done on the basis of ascendant (Lagna) not on the basis of Sun, Moon or name zodiac sign.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Like every year, we have again come up with the Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions.
We are trying to predict that how the year 2015 would be for every zodiac sign.
Our expert astrologers have put their best to provide the accurate 2015 horoscopes.
They also tried to cover up all the important aspects of life, through the Virgo
astrology 2015 predictions. However, we request the readers, not to take these Virgo
2015 horoscopes as the final result. Instead, if you are going to commence some
important task, you are advised to take an expert opinion. These Virgohoroscope
2015 predictions are made on general basis. But the actual effects of planets depend
upon the planetary position at the time of your birth, transit in present time and
on the period or sub-period of planets.
Let’s take a look at the Virgo 2015 horoscope. These Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes give predictions for all the 12 months. Know how would be these 12 months with horoscopes 2015 for the people of Virgo zodiac sign.
As per Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology predictions, your courage, strategic and reasoning abilities will increase; but, do not allow negative thoughts to come in your mind. Virgo astrology 2015 predictions are saying that you will get success in studies and competitions. There will be increase in expenses, but your earnings will also be good. Virgo 2015 horoscope tells that you will have income from more than one sources. You may have some arguments with your siblings or a close friend, horoscope 2015 is advising you to avoid that. Virgo astrology 2015 predicts that your health may disturb you and you may feel unnecessary mental stress. There may be some thinking differences between you and your partner. Some unwanted journeys may also rise up. Virgo horoscope prediction 2015 suggests to keep a check on temper, stress and words.
According to Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions your expenses will increase this month. Some tensions or differences with your children are possible. As per the Virgo horoscopes 2015, some losses may occur in business and issues with life partner are also possible. You may have to go for some unwanted journeys that will prove useless. Virgo horoscopes 2015 astrology is advising not to take any decision in a hurry, otherwise you may face troubles. Astrology 2015 horoscopes are advising to keep a check on your words, otherwise it may hurt others. Do not initiate any new task in February 2015, as the time is not favorable for you. Overall, as per the Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes, you will work hard, but may not get expected result. Try to remain patient and calm.
Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes are saying that the month of March will bring good income. Some good news from children and success in studies-competitions are waiting for you in March 2015, as predicted by Virgo horoscopes 2015 predictions. You will be respected and honored in society. The time is also good for the love birds, but some tensions in married life are possible. You may feel inclined toward some other person; hence, try to control yourself, otherwise it may create problems in your married life, as predicted by Virgo horoscope 2015. You will get benefits via female. Some differences are possible with relatives, but your luck will favor you, as per Virgo prediction of 2015 astrology.
Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions are saying that you will get monetary benefit in this month. Businessmen may get new contracts. Your self confidence & decision making abilities will increase, the intelligence will help you and you will be able to easily get your work done from others. You may have some differences with children, but your education will be good, as per the Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes. However, there may be a bit difficulty in getting success. Though, everything will be fine, but some issues are possible with life partner. Virgo prediction of 2015 horoscopes foretells that there may some problems in family, arguments with siblings and mental tensions are also possible. You may have to travel due to some familial reason. Some disease may arise in genitals. Astrology 2015 horoscope is advising not to take any problem casually.
Your luck will be very much in your favor and it will provide you monetary benefits, as per Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology predictions. Virgo horoscopes 2015 are advising to you take special care of your health, along with this drive carefully and stay away from fire. Your intelligence will bring success in efforts, but some problems from children or from studies & competitions are possible. Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes are advising to stay alert from enemies. Someone may try to harm you in future, hence, keep your secrets and weaknesses within you. Save money as much as possible. Virgo horoscope prediction 2015 is advising you to stay alert because the differences with life partner may increase a lot. If in your birth-chart married life is not predicted good, apply special caution. Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions are advising to maintain harmonious relations in married life.
Virgo horoscopes 2015 astrology predictions are saying that your courage will increase in the month of June, but try not to become over-confident. Otherwise, you may develop the instinct of superiority, which will not be in your favor. During this time, you will not listen to what your relatives say. Instead you will become logical but in a negative manner, as predicted by Virgo horoscopes 2015 predictions. Some unexpected expenses may rise up. According to Virgo prediction 2015, you will become over excited and spend more than required. Hence, horoscope 2015 is advising to keep a control on your expenditures. You may have to stay away from home. There are chances of some tensions due to children or education. There may be some differences with your seniors. Overall, Virgo astrology 2015 horoscope suggests to keep a control on your anger, over-confidence, and over excitement.
As per Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology, you may spend some money on your fathers or elder brother’s health. Chances of getting both support and opposition are there from father or government. Virgo horoscope 2015 predicts that your luck will favor you, but invest wisely in share market. You may have some problems in married life, but Virgo 2015 horoscopes are saying that you will get support from your in laws. Your income will increase with constant sources. Mental tensions may continue and you may have to go for some unnecessary journeys. You may also indulge in some tasks that are useless. Virgo prediction of 2015 horoscope is advising not to think much, otherwise your health may get disturbed. You should take care of your health while travelling, especially the portion above chest.
As per Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes, your expenses may go out of control. You may feel lack of happiness in domestic life; as a result, you may try to stay away from home. Horoscope 2015 predictions are saying that your reasoning abilities and intuition power will increase. But, if you are appearing for some exam, work hard. Some arguments are possible with children. Virgo 2015 horoscope foretells that if you will not resolve the problems with your partner, the differences may increase. It is required to act with patience and heart, not with anger and hatred. Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology tells that you may feel attracted toward opposite gender. There may be lots of journeys, but they will not prove fruitful. Take care of your mother’s health. Some expenses are possible on maintenance of home.
As per the Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology your courage, intelligence, and speaking abilities will increase. You will get benefits in government related tasks. Virgo 2015 horoscopes foretells that you will get monetary benefits and chances of getting money from more than one sources are there. Your journeys will be exciting and beneficial, in September 2015. You will be able to defeat your enemies with your skills, as predicted by Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions. You will solve some old problems by your strategic skills. Pregnant ladies are need to take special care of themselves. According to Virgo horoscopes 2015 astrology, you may not get support from your siblings or close ones, infact some differences are also possible. Try to improve relations with life partner. Astrology 2015 horoscope is indicating chances of break up in love relationships.
Virgo astrology 2015 predictions are saying that imbalance in income and expenses is possible. You may find difficulty in making earnings. If you are into business your income may become very less, but your expenses will increase, hence, don’t overspend. Some big issues in married life are possible. Enemies and diseases may disturb you and you may find difficulty in getting away from these problems. Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology is also indicating that differences from family members may arise. Don’t be dependent on luck. Stay away from share market investments in October 2015. Virgo 2015 horoscope foretells, that there will be lot of confusion in your mind; this may create problems in taking decisions. Keep a check on your temper and words. Keep on doing good work, but do not expect that you will get credit for the same. Virgo predictions 2015 suggests to stay calm, disciplined, and introvert. Virgo horoscopes 2015 are also advising to stay away from any kind of addiction or immoral acts.
Virgo 2015 horoscope foretell problems in job and business. Your income may not be constant and expenses may become out of control. Virgo horoscopes 2015 tells that you may have to make efforts to maintain harmonic relations with your life partner. There may be some difficulty in maintaining good relations with business partner. If you are planning to start a new business, you should wait for sometime, as suggested by Virgo astrology 2015 horoscopes. Do not start any business in partnership. There may be differences with your father or higher officials. Hence, try to maintain good relations with them; otherwise, you may face big losses, as per Virgo horoscope prediction 2015. Avoid unnecessary journeys. However, your reasoning abilities will increase and you will get rid of your problems. But, Virgo astrology 2015 predictions are advising not to take any risk.
Virgo 2015 horoscopes are predicting that you will get financial profits this month, as luck is favoring you. But, you may not feel relaxed. You may use improper language or bad words with others, Virgo horoscope 2015 is advising you to avoid that. Your thoughts may become negative. Virgo horoscope 2015 tells that there are chances of getting into some odd conditions. Hence, try to keep a check on your temper and think positive. There are chances that some differences will occur with your siblings or relatives. Try not to involve in exchange of money. Virgo horoscope 2015 predictions foretells that you may face troubles in married life. Arguments with life partner are possible. Some differences may also rise up in love relations. There are chances of some problems due to children or studies. Virgo horoscope 2015 astrology prediction suggests you to apply patience, control on your temper and correct usage of words. Along with this, have faith in you and Almighty.
Note :
According to the Virgo horoscope 2015, the people having Virgo zodiac sign are not
under the influence of Sade Sati. But, Rahu is posited in first house and Ketu’s
transit will be in seventh house, for whole 2015. Along with this, after half an
year, Rahu will also be posited in twelfth house. As a result, you may feel restless,
angry, and possibilities of loss in business are also there. There are chances of
issues in married life.
Virgo astrology 2015 horoscope is saying that your problems may increase, if any planet’s unfavorable period/sub-period is going on in birth chart or if there is Kaal Sarp Yoga in first or seventh house. We hereby give you some remedies that should be applied during the start of new year:
By Pt. Deepak Dubey