Sagittarius horoscope for 2016 is out now to bless you with a life full of bliss. These absolutely FREE predictions are made by the world class astrologers. If you are a Sagittarian, read these predictions for your benefit; and if you are not, peep into the future of your Sagittarian loved ones.
will start with the arrival of Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. Rahu and Ketu
will remain in their previous houses till January 31. Later Rahu will step in Leo
and Ketu will step in Aquarius. Let’s now know what horoscope 2016 for Sagittarius
is predicting about you.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
There are chances that you might get indulged into unnecessary disputes this year. Your personal life will remain as a roller coaster ride throughout the year. Cordial relations are predicted for Sagittarians with their life partners. Relationships with your parents will also be loving. Sagittarius horoscope for 2016 foretells that you might quarrel with your siblings this year. Things might go out of your own control. However, its intensity depends on your kundali. There is a need to be extra cautious if you are in your Ketu or Saturn major period. Some misunderstandings may occur between you and your father which may lead to disputes. Losses are also predicted for Sagittarians in there Ketu major period. However,things will start improving after August.
You need to take care about your health this year. Illness related to blood and cold might bother you. Stale food might be a cause of your serious problem this year. Stay away from indigestible food. Problem in Liver might arise. Keep good care of your eyes as there are chances that doctor might suggest you to wear spectacles. For those who already wear spectacles, slight increment in your number is predicted. As per Vedic astrology 2016 predictions for Sagittarius, there is a need to take proper care of your health. Maintaining proper diet and regular exercise is recommended. You might feel that your spiritual strength is declining this year. Keep your spirits high.
Saturn is the Lord of your wealth house and it is transiting in your twelfth house. Those who are suffering from Saturn major period need to be extra cautious. You might face problems due to over-spending money which may lead to less savings this year. There are chances of getting duped this year and thus maintain distance from providing money on debts. According to the Vedic astrology 2016 forecast for Sagittarians, year is also not crucial for those who are suffering from Jupiter major period. Be cautious and do not sign any document without reading it. Someone may try to dupe you by copying your signatures. Thus be careful to avoid any mishappenings. Rest of the year will give you average outcomes.
Time is crucial for those engaged in services. Year is going to benefit you especially after August. Chances for getting promotions and increments are high in your workfront. Maintain good relations with your seniors as you might need there help this year. Sagittarius horoscope 2016 predicts that your performance will be praised and you will get support from other high-ranking officials. But there is a need to be cautious as disputes might arise with your colleagues. Time after August is very promising, but care has to be taken before this period. Year will surely bring success for you.
If you are a businessmen, staying alert and attentive is recommended throughout the year. 2016 might not appear much promising to you. Make your decisions wisely, or you might have to face losses this year. Year will seem as a roller coaster ride for you. As per Vedic astrology 2016 for Sagittarians, you might face some ups and down. Do not worry as you will make average profits this year. Stay away from indulging yourself into any illegal works as it might lead to loss more than profits. You might have to go jail due to such works. Maintaining distance from any illicit work is thus recommended. Keep your mind calm and indulge yourself in some kind of meditations for a peace.
Your love life will remain as usual. No further problems in your love life is predicted. You will maintain your regular activities this year too. Be cautious as some misunderstandings might occur between both of you. Do not doubt your partner. Time before August will appear demanding and you might have to face harsh situations. As per Sagittarius 2016 predictions, stay away from them. Maintaining proper coordination with your partner will help you coming out successfully with your partner.
Pleasurable sex life is predicted for you this year. Making love with your partner is going to delight you for the entire year. Your sexual arousal will remain as usual. Sagittarius horoscopes 2016 predicts that you might indulge in immoral activities this year. Time is crucial for getting your sexual desires fulfilled. You may get a chance of making love with an infidel or a widow. Controlling your libido is recommended as it may bother you later.
Do not take any important decisions whenever moon will step into Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. Be patient throughout the year. Do not invest money between May 14 to 20, July 16 to August 14, November 16 to December 17 this year. Also avoid purchasing new items during this period.
Keep your mind at right place, and make your thoughts positive. Recite Ramcharit Manas as many times as possible. It will provide you mental peace as well as help you in gaining positive outcomes. Keep Ram Raksha Stotra along with you always. You should chant mantras whenever you feel surrounded by some problems.
If you want to get more detailed and personalized predictions, get your FREE Kundali from here: MyKundali For FREE
So, this was all we had for you in this year. Utilize the best of this Sagittarius horoscope for 2016 and make your life even better.