Check Today’s Shubh Hora, Shubh Kaal and Auspicious Horai on MyKundali.
Today's Hora | Start Time | End Time |
Venus | 07:08:29 AM | 08:04:25 AM |
Mercury | 08:04:25 AM | 09:00:22 AM |
Moon | 09:00:22 AM | 09:56:18 AM |
Saturn | 09:56:18 AM | 10:52:15 AM |
Jupiter | 10:52:15 AM | 11:48:11 AM |
Mars | 11:48:11 AM | 12:44:08 PM |
Sun | 12:44:08 PM | 1:40:05 PM |
Venus | 1:40:05 PM | 2:36:01 PM |
Mercury | 2:36:01 PM | 3:31:58 PM |
Moon | 3:31:58 PM | 4:27:54 PM |
Saturn | 4:27:54 PM | 5:23:51 PM |
Jupiter | 5:23:51 PM | 6:19:48 PM |
Mars | 6:19:48 PM | 7:23:51 PM |
Sun | 7:23:51 PM | 8:27:54 PM |
Venus | 8:27:54 PM | 9:31:58 PM |
Mercury | 9:31:58 PM | 10:36:01 PM |
Moon | 10:36:01 PM | 11:40:05 PM |
Saturn | 11:40:05 PM | 00:44:08 AM |
Jupiter | 00:44:08 AM | 01:48:11 AM |
Mars | 01:48:11 AM | 02:52:15 AM |
Sun | 02:52:15 AM | 03:56:18 AM |
Venus | 03:56:18 AM | 05:00:22 AM |
Mercury | 05:00:22 AM | 06:04:25 AM |
Moon | 06:04:25 AM | 07:08:29 AM |
Shubh Hora or Horai is consulted when it becomes difficult to consult an astrologer. In Hindu culture, before commencing any auspicious task, religious ritual, journey or project, an astrologer is consulted who chalk out a favorable time period by conferring to Panchang. But there are times when either the astrologer isn’t available or one cannot consult a pandit due to various reasons. In such a case, Jyotish Shastra has developed Hora Cycle or Hora Chakra for finding auspicious and inauspicious muhurats.
There are 7 Hora, with a total of 24 Hora in one whole day, and rotate in a fixed cycle throughout the day and night. Read about them: