
Horoscope 2019

Annual Horoscope 2019 is here to take away all your worries. You must be curious to know about your future in year 2018. A lot of questions must be getting popped up in your mind like, When will I get promotion?, How will this year treat you financially?, What all challenges are lined up for you this year? To overcome all such queries, we at AstroSage have detailed predictions for your zodiac sign so that you can make out your plans for future. Get detailed horoscope prediction for all 12 zodiacs here.


Aries zodiac sign

For some Arians the beginning of the year may be favourable for overseas travel. Financial growth seems good and satisfactory during the first quarter of the new year. Some health problems may be experienced during this period. Take care of your diet and nutrition along with rest. Expenditure may rise and you may invest money in luxurious items during April. Be careful of your speech, you may hurt sentiments. Children may do well in studies. Students may make a slow but steady progress. You may develop good creativity during the middle of the year. Health of elders may cause concern. Some tiffs with your partner or ego problems may bother you. Some disturbances in family life may be expected during this period. Stay focused on your goals, and you may come out a winner. Some religious ceremonies during August/Shravan period may be solemnized. Relationship with spouse may be sweet during October. The end of the year may give very good results regarding many spheres of life for Arians. Love may blossom and you may find your right match.


Taurus zodiac sign

Good financial gains are expected at the beginning of the new year. Relationships with spouse and family may be very satisfying. Keep a tab on binge eating of rich foods. A lot of self efforts and hard work may be required for a good growth in career. Partnerships may work out well. Students may find new avenues for higher education. Some financial problems may arise after the first quarter of the year, but you may overcome them with your resourcefulness. Travel may be on cards during the middle of the year. Some outing with family is also possible. Some issues related to ancestral property may be sorted out amicably. Some differences of opinion may surface with children and elders and family members which may create some disturbances during September. As per horoscope 2019, you may expect good cooperation from friends and spouse during the last quarter of the year. Being in the centre of the action in an organized manner may bring out the best in you.


Gemini zodiac sign

Geminis may have to be disciplined in certain areas, especially during the beginning of the new year. Don’t go overboard in relationships, try and maintain the balance. Love relationships may translate into marriage in the first half of the year. Some financial problems may be expected in the first quarter of the year. Students may do well if they are focused well on their studies. Foreign travel may be on cards for some Geminis during the middle of the year. Health issues may bother you during the middle of the year. Some of you may face problems with poor digestion or acidity related problems. Extra efforts and hard work may be required for financial growth. You may feel peppy in the coming months, but you may have to work hard too. You may find a chance to impress your seniors at workplace. As per horoscope 2019, elders at home may need attention, some health problems may surface after the middle of the year. Gains may be expected and efforts may pay off well during the last quarter of the year. Relationship with spouse may be sweet and peace may reign in the family.


Cancer zodiac sign

For the natives of Cancer zodiac sign, the beginning of the new year may bring good tidings. Academic performances of children may bring cheer. Students may do well in their studies. Lovers may decide to tie the knot. Some mental disturbances may be experienced and you may get upset over minor issues in the first quarter of the year. Some health problems of mother,spouse may need your attention during February. Health of spouse may need more attention in the first quarter of the new year. The later period may need good financial planning. You may feel relaxed after this period. As per horoscope 2019, expenditure may increase and put a dent in finances. You may get opportunities for overseas travel. You may have to work hard and put in extra efforts to prove yourself professionally during the middle of the year. Gains are also expected. Make a plan and stick to your goals. Over the months you will be able to bring the required stability in life. You may expect good financial gains in the September- October period, and your efforts may pay off well. Expenditure may rise during the Navratri-Diwali festive period. Happiness and bliss in the family will rise . Health should be taken care of during the year end.


Leo zodiac sign

For leos the first quarter of the year may be a period of paying off karmic debts and also a period of learning. Take care of your health after partying for the new year. New opportunities for business, partnerships, investments may available for you during the first quarter of the new year. You may spend money on home décor or furnishings. You may also make donations to underprivileged people or institutions. You need to take care your health too and avoid stress. You may gain from your spouse’s side of family in form of gifts or inheritance after the first quarter of the year. Students may have to work harder in order to reach their goals. You may attend religious functions with your spouse or some of you may even meet spiritual gurus. Take care while driving during the middle of the year. Good financial gains are also seen during this time. You may appreciation from your seniors at work and a lot of positive developments may be experienced during the July-August period. Finances need attention during September. Religious ceremonies in the offing during the last quarter of the year.


Virgo zodiac sign

For the natives of Virgo zodiac sign, the year may begin on a happy note with family and friends. You may invest some of your earnings in the name of your spouse and children. You may feel concerned about the welfare of your children. Some minor nagging problems in health and career may affect you in the February-March period. You may develop a philosophical outlook during this period. Finances look bright in the following period but you may still be in a mood of self-retrospection. You may have set ideas about your finances and gains on the professional front during the middle of the year. You may reap the rewards in the later period. Foreign travel is on cards for some virgos during the months of August-September. You may get accolades for your work. Students who have completed their education may find good jobs. The focus may be on family again in the last quarter of the year. You may visit religious places with your family.The year may end on a happy note.


Libra zodiac sign

Natives of Libra zodiac sign may have to work hard in the beginning of the year in order to excel and impress their seniors at work. You need to be disciplined and methodical over the coming months. Spouse’s health may cause concern in the new year beginning. Family matters may keep you busy, some religious function may be organized in the first quarter of the new year. Students may fare well in their studies during this time of the year. They have to work harder after this period for success. Take good care of health if you are suffering from any chronic health problem. Finances also seem to be satisfactory. Expenditures may rise during the April-May period. Family and friends may be quite supportive during the middle of the year. Good gains are expected, efforts may pay off well and finances may improve in the following period. Familial relationships will be sweet. Be careful in matters of love. The year end may bring more responsibilities towards family. Travel may be on cards.


Scorpio zodiac sign

The new year may bring good tidings for Scorpios from all walks of life. Relationships with spouse, children and family members may be very sweet. Relationships at workplace and with your bosses may be cordial throughout the year. Travel to religious places of worship with family is on cards. You need to work hard after Makar Sankranti. The following period may bring chances of foreign travel. Love may blossom and the eligible may tie the knot. Children and students may do well during the middle of the year. Health problems may occur, take care of infections. Work pressure may increase. You need to be really pushing the limits and multitasking. The last quarter of the year may be very satisfying regarding gaining wisdom, monetary benefits, financial growth and familial relationships. Overall a good year.


Sagittarius zodiac sign

For Sagittarians, a year of self retrospection, higher learning, family and self. The year begins by integrating so many factors including partnerships, career, family and travel too. You may think over philosophical matters too. Some stomach related problems may surface. Keep the mind clear of tensions. Some misunderstandings may crop up in career during the first quarter of the new year. Handle them with tact and be careful about your speech. You may grow spiritually in the following period. Children and spouse may need your attention. Health of elders may need attention during the middle of the year. Students may do well in studies. Children may need assistance. You may progress well professionally. Ups and downs may be expected. Avoid tiffs/arguments with your partner or spouse. A good period to learn occult or esoteric subjects. As the year draws to a close, once again you may feel financially fit, most held up projects may start working smoothly and happiness and peace may be experienced. Use moderation and stay in control of your projects, by being efficient.


Scorpio zodiac sign

If you are a native of Capricorn zodiac, you need to be extra careful of your health during the first month of the new year. You may experience financial ups and downs through the year. Professional and career front looks brighter after February. Students may face some difficulties during April. Efforts may pay off well during this period for working people and students. Children may face anxiety problems during April, during exam time. Relationship with spouse /partner may be good and peaceful in the first quarter of the year. Some differences of opinion may be expected in the middle of the year. Love may be in the air. Horoscope 2019 also predicts that some health problems of spouse may surface during this period. Things may become better and you may reap benefits and rewards for your efforts, in November. Avoid anxiety and go about your duties in a cool manner. A better understanding of life, spirituality and foreign travel may mark the end of the year. Worship the divine mother Goddess.


Aquarius zodiac sign

The new year seems to be a productive one for the natives of Aquarius zodiac sign. The beginning of the new year may give good results in professional sphere. Good gains are expected. Health should be guarded well throughout the year. Overseas travel with spouse is possible in the first quarter of the new year. Financial gains and stability is expected in the later period. Career may also grow well according to your expectations. Love affairs may be fickle and short lived. Children may do well in studies. Promotion and appreciation from seniors at workplace may be expected in the next quarter of the year. Students may also do well. The mid year may bring spirituality and philosophical outlook towards life. The following period may cheer in family life, destiny may shower gifts and the eligible may decide to tie the knot. Relationships will be sweet. You will make every effort to perform well and show your skills. You can hope to reach your goal and gain good success and fulfill your wishes as the year draws to a close. Overall, a good year.


Pisces zodiac sign

The natives of Pisces zodiac sign may have a good inflow of money in the beginning of the new year. Finances will be good. Students may expect excellent results. Some religious ceremonies may be in the offing. Family and spouse may need attention. Your mother may need your attention. Good progress on the professional front is indicated, but a lot of self efforts have to be put in too. You may be at your creative best in April. Gains seem to be steady in the further period too. You may impress your seniors at workplace. Health seems ok. Proper exercise and diet will keep your energy levels high. Be careful of your speech during the mid year. Health needs attention during august-september period. Travel plans with spouse may materialize in the later period. Lovers may find fulfillment in love throughout the year. You have every chance of succeeding by working in a disciplined manner, as the year draws to a close. Overall a fulfilling year.
